Quiz: Culture & Business in the UK

Do you work with English, Scottish or Welsh contacts? Do you know their cultural codes?

Test your knowledge and discover the answers by email!

Culture & Business in the UK

1. A British person will be more convinced by

logical and rational reasoning

a brilliant speech

a fact-based approach

2. When a British person says “very interesting”, what do they mean?

It's very interesting

It has no interest

I would like to know more

3. In a project, the deadline is

a key point to respect

an adaptable deadline depending on the circumstances

one indicator among others

4. In British culture, error is

to avoid at all costs

an opportunity to learn

an epiphenomenon

5. In your opinion, during a negotiation, what is the strategy adopted by a British person to achieve their ends?

She preaches the false to know the true

She occupies the land

She doesn't say anything and asks questions

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